Sunday, January 16, 2011

From earliest times, people have changed their environments. How have people today changed their environment? Duscuss both the good and the bad.

From earliest times, people have changed their environments. How have people
today changed their environment? Discuss both the good and the bad.

There are a lot of different things we could think of when we consider how the earliest humans changed their environment. The earliest humans changed their environment by not only hunting and killing animals, which they depended on for their survival, but also by using fire for their benefit. Early humans harvested fire from wild fires, and they benefited from it very much because fire provided cooked food, light, warmth, and also ended up starting oral tradition. Fire was not only beneficial to early humans, though. It also changed the environment. The burning of the wood and the grass added more nutrients to the soil, surprisingly. More nutrients in the soil meant that more animals were attracted to the area where the early humans were at the time, which meant more food for the people.

Once the hunter-gatherers started to settle down, they found out how to domesticate plants and animals. They observed that when crop season was over, they could reuse the same seeds and always have a steady supply of food – sometimes even a surplus. Controlling animals and learning to farm was very important and caused a huge change in the environment. It was the turning point of hunter-gatherers, because it was the start of civilization.

Now, today, we change our environment in ways that are actually mostly unhealthy and bad for the earth. Learning how to use science and technology for our gain has both helped us and made a whole lot of things bad for us. We’ve used the earth without really thinking about whether we need things or whether we just want them, and now the average person wastes so much in a lifetime that it has become almost impossible to go back, change, and make sure that we are taking care of our planet.

People have finally realized what we are doing to the earth, and now, although we are paying some of the price, we are trying to go back and change things. By going one problem at a time, we can slowly eliminate the biggest problem of all – which is, in fact, some people not caring what they do to the environment as long as they don’t have to suffer afterwards.


  1. Hi,
    Maria, I think that you have a really detailed blog post and that you have lots of facts in it. I like how you managed to make it into essay form.
    Discuss has an i in it
