Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Taj Mahal

This is the Taj Mahal:

The story of the Taj Mahal is this:
One day, the emperor of India's son decided to go find himself a wife. He went to the market, and there he found a beautiful woman. They fell in love within the first 10 minutes of knowing each other, and they were wed. The couple did many great deeds for the empire, and eventually the emperor's son became known as Shah Jahan. Then the emperor grew sick and died, leaving Shah Jahan to become emperor. He did a lot of good stuff for the empire as emperor, and he greatly enjoyed leading the empire. Then he and his wife went on a journey. Once there, his wife became pregnant for the 14th time. They were both overjoyed, but during the birth of the child, Mumtaz Mahal, his wife, grew sick and died. Shah Jahan was upset beyond belief. He went back to his great palace, donned his white robes of mourning, and lost interest in leading the empire. Mumtaz Mahal's last wish was to make the world remember the great love the two of them had, so Shah Jahan spent many days and many nights thinking about what to do to make the world remember their great love. Eventually, he came up with an idea - to create a huge memorial building for Mumtaz Mahal. He immediately set many workers onto the job, and it ended up magnificent, like this:
He then had an even better idea - when he died, he was going to have a black memorial building right across from Mumtaz Mahal's! Unfortunately, he was later conquered by his cousin and forced into a prison, where he stayed for nine years before he died. He never got his memorial, but his wife got her wish - to let the whole world know how great their love was. And this is signified by the Taj Mahal.

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